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University of Minnesota Extension

4-H clover 4-H animal judging contests

Effectively evaluating breeding and market animals is highly important in the animal industry. Judging is an art developed through patient study and long practice.

4-H'ers interested in dairy, general livestock (beef, meat goat, sheep and swine), horses, poultry and rabbits can become good judges by knowing:

  • The parts of the animal and their locations.
  • Which parts are most important for meat and breeding stock production.
  • Making keen observations.
  • Comparing the animal to the ideal.
  • Weighing the good and bad points of each animal.

Check with your county/tribal community for local animal judging contests. The following information is for participants at the state fair. 

Upcoming events


For all participants


Dairy judging contest


General livestock judging contest

Page survey

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