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University of Minnesota Extension

4-H clover 4-H photography project

Annika B. of Dakota County 4-H submerged colored pencils in carbonated water and utilized a tripod and an LED light to capture this image. She utilized color theory, captured the crispness of the bubbles and provided a sense of depth with the visible waterline. 

Tell your story using photography! 

What can you do?

In the photography project, you can:

  • Learn about equipment basics, taking sharper pictures, lighting and flash techniques.
  • Explore photo composition, approaches, sequencing and evaluating photographs. 
  • Use multiple cameras and even assemble a whole production team.

These are just some of the many ways you can participate in this project. 


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Cora Rost, Extension educator with Minnesota 4-H Photography Project Development Committee (PDC), fourhphoto@umn.edu

Reviewed in 2024

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