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University of Minnesota Extension

Supporting families and communities through tough times

Free family resiliency webinars

Times continue to be difficult for many families including stress around finances and parenting to name just a few. Extension educators in the Center for Family Development are providing a series of webinars to support families during these challenging times. Now through October, educators across the state will be engaging families and practitioners in the areas of parenting, mental well-being and self-care, elder financial exploitation, workplace benefits and much more in webinars.

Parenting in a pandemic

Are you a parent trying to make informed decisions on a daily basis regarding better health and well-being for you and your children? Trying to parent during chaos and uncertainty makes the job that much more difficult. Join a team of Extension educators from Montana State University and University of Minnesota to talk about discipline. Three webinars are being held focusing on infant, toddler and preschool age, early and late elementary age, and pre-teen and teen age.

Building financial confidence

Talking about finances is stressful, especially during uncertain times.   A series of webinars will focus on the basics that will give participants the confidence they need to make informed decisions. Topics include payday loans, building credit history, understanding workplace benefits and health care, and putting your savings to work.

Don’t forget the F-U-N

It is so important that during these stressful times we make sure to add fun into our daily routines.  A Fun Around the Table brings families together in an online trivia platform to answer questions about health, 4-H, finances and so much more to celebrate National 4-H Week and Family Health Month. For those who are searching for inspiration to get organized, “Lighten Up: Letting Go of Clutter” provides an opportunity to be introduced to the KonMari technique of decluttering.

Contact Samantha Roth with questions at sroth@umn.edu.

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Presupuesto familiar: planificación y formas de ahorrar en alimentos

Está invitado a un seminario web gratuito en español sobre la elaboración de presupuestos en educación financiera y educación nutricional.

¿Quiere tomar el control de sus finanzas? Un presupuesto es un instrumento valioso que lo ayudará a administrar mejor sus finanzas.

Este seminario web proporcionará información y herramientas para abordar necesidades y deseos, hacer un seguimiento de los gastos de alimentación, estimar, presupuestar los alimentos, equilibrar los gastos y los ingresos del hogar, reservar dinero para un fondo de emergencia y ahorrar de forma sencilla.

Para más información, contáctenos:
Jose Lamas; lamas006@umn.edu; 507-295-5316
Conchita Páez Sievert; mpaezsie@umn.edu; 507-295-5317

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