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Alfalfa during drought

Key points

  • High temperatures combined with drought can severely affect establishment and growth of alfalfa.
  • Alfalfa seed that has been planted and not yet germinated will survive in the soil during drought. It can germinate when rainfall occurs.
  • Newly established seedlings are very susceptible to drought, because their root systems are inadequate.
  • Drought and high temperatures will not kill established alfalfa, but will cause it to go dormant.
  • Dormant alfalfa will recover following rainfall or irrigation.
  • Alfalfa stands that are drought-stressed and ready for harvest should be cut. This is due to the potential for leaf loss. 

Alfalfa uses a lot of water 

Recently harvested alfalfa that became dormant due to drought and high temperatures. It can survive dormancy for months and resume growth when moisture conditions are favorable. Photo: C.C. Sheaffer.

Because of its high stem density and dense canopy, alfalfa has a high rate of water use. Alfalfa uses 0.1 to 0.3 inches of water per day (Table 1).

Daily water use is influenced by plant growth stage and environmental factors like air temperature and wind speed. For example, on a windy, 90° F day in Minnesota, alfalfa will likely use 0.30 inches of water.

Water use is greatest when alfalfa has a full vegetative canopy before harvest and is greater during summer months when solar energy and air temperatures are greatest.

Water use declines following harvests and is less in the spring and fall when the sun’s energy and air temperatures are lower.

Table 1. Alfalfa total water use for the first three weeds after the first and second cuttings

Daily maximum temperature
1 week
after cutting
2 weeks
after cutting
3 weeks
after cutting
inches/day inches/day inches/dat
50 0.05 0.06 0.08
60 0.08 0.11 0.13
70 0.11 0.15 0.19
80 0.15 0.19 0.23
90 0.19 0.23 0.28

Scherer and Steele, Irrigation Scheduling by the Checkbook Method, 2019.

graph of linear relationship between alfalfa yield and water use
Figure 1. Total season yield of alfalfa in relationship to season-long water use from precipitation and/or irrigation.

Crop water use and forage yield

Over the growing season alfalfa may use more total water than other crops because of its long growing season. There is generally a linear relationship between crop water use and forage yield, although aspects of this relationship vary somewhat based on other environmental factors. Water use ranges from 4 to 7 inches per ton of forage depending on the environment (Figure 1).

Alfalfa tolerates drought, but is not resistant

Figure 2. Common root length and structure of corn, soybean, and alfalfa. Source: Fernandez et al., 2019. Alfalfa wildlife and the Environment. National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance. Nafa@alfalfa.org

Alfalfa has an extensive root system that enables it to extract water from deep in the soil profile (Figure 2). Alfalfa roots are mostly concentrated in the top 4 feet of the soil, but it is not uncommon for roots to reach depths of 16 feet. 

In response to soil moisture deficits, alfalfa increases its root mass and length. Alfalfa survives severe moisture deficits by going dormant. In the Midwest, alfalfa plants can survive several months in dormancy. In some climates dormant alfalfa can survive for years. 

During the onset of drought, alfalfa plants increase carbohydrates stored in the crown to allow the plant to survive dormancy. When water becomes available alfalfa regrows rapidly from buds on the crown.



Determining how much irrigation water to apply is critical for water conservation and for profitable use of irrigation. Most irrigation scheduling focuses on prevention of yield-reducing stress while optimizing economic yields. 

Water budgeting approaches or “checkbook scheduling” involves monitoring soil moisture in addition to determining daily crop water use through evapotranspiration (ET). Soil moisture can be monitored using moisture-sensing instrumentation. With alfalfa, irrigation typically begins with only about 50% depletion of available water in the root zone.

Other irrigation scheduling considerations unique to alfalfa include: 1) avoid scheduling during times of peak ET in the summer months, 2) avoid irrigation 1 week before harvest to facilitate harvest equipment and to avoid compaction, 3) irrigate immediately after a harvest, and 4) avoid irrigation when alfalfa is undergoing the dormancy reaction in the fall.

For more information, visit Extension's irrigation website.

 Jared Goplen, Extension educator - crops, and Craig Sheaffer, Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics

Reviewed in 2023

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