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Preventing injuries for our newest farmers

Joanne Sum-Ping and Dustin Grzesik

 Safety is challenging even for farmers who are the latest in generations on the farm. What about those who are newest to farming – or starting over in a new country? 

Part of the answer lies in education. That’s why planning is underway for another season of workshops for emerging and immigrant farmers in collaboration with the Dakota County-based organization Sharing Our Roots. Building safety into the first foundations of farming helps hard-wire recognition of the perils farming can present. 

“We want to help create spaces where people can flourish and connect with the land,” says Josie Trople, co-manager of the Sharing Our Roots farm near Northfield. 

For Dustin Grzesik and Joanne Sum-Ping, who are starting a fruit farm near Mahtomedi, that meant tromping through the field last fall at the farm to learn first-hand from Emily Krekelberg, Extension educator, and Sharing Our Roots staff. 

“So much can happen in a split second,” says Grzesik. “This is really a helpful opportunity to get grounded and understand what it takes to stay safe.” 

After Krekelberg’s presentation, participants watched Wyatt Parks of Sharing Our Roots show a few of the myriad things that can go wrong with a power takeoff shaft, which connects energy from a tractor to the implements. 

Power take-off shafts rotate at astonishing speed; if a piece of clothing gets entangled, the split second result can be loss of limb. Or worse. 

“They’re a leading source of farm injuries,” says Krekelberg. “People still get hurt, so you cannot emphasize this information enough.

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