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University of Minnesota Extension

Supportive relationships and environment resources

Supportive relationships are the cornerstone of effective youth programs. A welcoming environment is an emotionally safe place where young people feel a sense of security, belonging and ownership.

Research briefs

Positive youth development

By Jessica Pierson Russo, Extension educator

Positive youth development is a holistic process of growth in which young people create a strong sense of self that enables them to be actively involved in the leadership of their own lives.

boy looks concerned talking to adult

Safe space for challenging conversations

By Karyn Santl, Extension educator

Youth programs can be a safe and caring place for youth to learn how to have dialogue with others in a positive civil manner about important topics. 

Social connectedness in youth

By Trish Sheehan, Extension educator

Each of us has a basic human emotional need to feel that we belong. 

Reviewed in 2023

Page survey

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